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Serie SAND
Impact Crusher for Sand
The crusher for any task

Serie SAND Impact Crusher for Sand

The crusher for any task


COMEC impact crushers series SAND have been developed for the production of sand from oversize particles. The special crushers are characterised by high rotor circumferential speed (up to 74 m/s) and can be used for crushing of soft to middle hard rock types.


COMEC impact crushers SAND are supplied with an integrated distribution feeder unit. This ensures an optimal distribution of the feed material over the entire crushing chamber width and has a positive effect on the service life of wearing parts. Impact crushing allows crushing of even fine feed material and avoids high filler content.


COMEC impact crushers are particularly maintenance-friendly and wear-resistant. Hydraulically operated opening mechanisms provide quick access to maintenance units. Due to the reversibility of the rotor the bars are used evenly, thus service life is considerably increased. The hammers are useable on all sides, their replacement can be carried out quickly.